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TEA-21 - Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century

Cross Reference

Links to Guidance, Fact Sheets, Qs & As, and Federal Register Notices by Section

Cross Reference

Transportation Equity Act For the 21st Century

Surface transportation reauthorization; Notice; Request for comments (Federal Register)
Request for comments on the implementation of TEA-21 (Federal Register notice)
Listening to America: TEA-21 Outreach Summary

Title I --Federal-aid Highways

Compilation of Selected Surface Transportation Laws - Volume 1 - Laws Relating to Infrastructure
Title 23, United States Code (in PDF format; 612 KB)

A Guide to Federal-Aid Programs and Projects

Subtitle A--Authorizations and Programs

Sec. 1101.Authorization of appropriations
Allocation of FY 2001 funds for highway use tax evasion projects (FHWA Notice)
Participation by disadvantaged business enterprises in DOT financial programs - threshold requirements and other technical revisions - interim final rule (Federal Register)
Participation by disadvantaged business enterprises in department of transportation financial assistance programs; Inflationary adjustment - 2000 inflation adjustment of size limits on small businesses participating in the dot's disadvantaged business enterprise program. (Federal Register)
Participation by disadvantaged business enterprises in DOT programs - corrections to final rule (Federal Register)
Participation by disadvantaged business enterprises in DOT programs - final rule
Allocation of FY 1999 funds for highway use tax evasion projects
TEA-21 authorization table
Fact sheet on disadvantaged business enterprise
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program under TEA-21
Sec. 1102.Obligation ceiling
FHWA Notice N 4520.167 - Federal-Aid Highway Program Obligations Fiscal Year (FY) 2002 Redistribution of FY 2002 Obligation Authority - Posted Tuesday, September 17, 2002
FHWA Notice N4520.165: Federal-Aid Highway Program Obligations Fiscal Year (FY) 2002
FHWA Notice N4510.478: Distribution Of Certain Authorized Funds For Fiscal Year (FY) 2002 Pursuant To Section 1102(f) Of Public Law 105-178
Distribution of certain authorized funds for FY 2001 pursuant to section 1102(f) of P.L. 105-178
Federal-aid highway program obligations fiscal year 2001
Federal-aid highway program obligations-FY 2000 redistribution of obligation authority
Amended Federal-aid highway program obligations - FY 2000 limitation
Distribution of certain authorized funds for FY 2000 pursuant to section 1102(f) of Public Law 105-178
Federal-aid highway program obligations-FY 2000 limitation
Federal-aid highway program obligations-FY 1999 redistribution of FY 1999 obligation uthority
Federal-aid highway program obligations-FY 1999 redistribution after 8/1/1999 (FHWA Notice)
Distribution of certain authorized funds for FY 1998 pursuant to section 1102(f)
Federal-aid Highway Program Obligations - Fiscal Year 1998 - Redistribution of FY 1998 Obligation Authority
FY 1998 obligation ceiling distribution
Distribution of certain authorized funds for FY 1999 pursuant to section 1102(f)
FY 1999 Distribution of Obligation Limitation:
   in Lotus Format
   in Excel Format
   in PDF Format
FY 1999 Obligation Limitation - Additional Detail:
   in Lotus Format
   in Excel Format
   in PDF Format
Fact sheet
Sec. 1103.Apportionments
FHWA Notice N4510.470: FHWA Notice N4510.470: Revised Apportionment of Fiscal Year (FY) 2002 Surface Transportation Program Funds
FHWA Notice N4510.472: Revised Apportionment of Fiscal year (FY) 2002 Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program Funds
FHWA Notice N4510.473:FHWA Notice N4510.473: Revised Apportionment of Fiscal year (FY) 2002 Appalachian Development Highway Program Funds
FHWA Notice N4510.469:Revised Apportionment of Fiscal year (FY) 2002 National Highway Funds
FHWA Notice N4510.474:FHWA Notice N4510.474: Revised Apportionment of Fiscal year (FY) 2002 Metropolitan Planning Funds
FHWA Notice N4510.471:FHWA Notice N4510.471: Revised Apportionment of Fiscal year (FY) 2002 Bridge Program Funds
FHWA Notice N4510.468:FHWA Notice N4510.468: Revised Apportionment of Fiscal year (FY) 2002 Interstate Maintenance Funds
FHWA Notice N4510.457:FHWA Notice N4510.457: Apportionment of Fiscal year (FY) 2002 Interstate Maintenance Funds
FHWA Notice N4510.458:FHWA Notice N4510.458: Apportionment of Fiscal Year (FY) 2002 National Highway System Funds
FHWA Notice N4510.459:FHWA Notice N4510.459: Apportionment of Fiscal Year (FY) 2002 Surface Transportation Program Funds
FHWA Notice N4510.461:FHWA Notice N4510.461: Apportionment of Fiscal Year (FY) 2002 Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program Funds
FHWA Notice N4510.462:FHWA Notice N4510.462: Apportionment of Fiscal Year (FY) 2002 Appalachian Development Highway Program Funds
FHWA Notice N4510.463:FHWA Notice N4510.463: Apportionment of Fiscal Year (FY) 2002 Metropolitan Planning Funds
FHWA Notice N4510.464:FHWA Notice N4510.464: Apportionment of Fiscal Year (FY) 2002 Recreational Trails Program Funds
FHWA Notice N4510.465:FHWA Notice N4510.465: Apportionment of Fiscal Year (FY) 2002 Minimum Guarantee Program Funds
Revised Apportionment of Fiscal year (FY) 2001 Interstate Maintenance Funds
Revised Apportionment of Fiscal Year (FY) 2001 National Highway System Funds
Revised Apportionment of Fiscal Year (FY) 2001 Surface Transportation Program Funds
Revised Apportionment of Fiscal Year (FY) 2001 Minimum Guarantee Program Funds
Revised Distribution of Revenue Aligned Budget Authority Funds For Fiscal Year 2001
FY 2001 Highway Apportionments - Computation Tables (revised 1/2001):
   in Excel Format
   in PDF Format
U.S. Transportation Secretary designates two new high-speed rail corridors (press release)
Apportionment of FY 2001 Interstate Maintenance Funds
Apportionment of FY 2001 National Highway System Funds
Apportionment of FY 2001 Surface Transportation Program Funds
Apportionment of FY 2001 Bridge Program Funds
Apportionment of FY 2001 Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program Funds
Apportionment of FY 2001 Appalachian Development Highway Program Funds
Apportionment of FY 2001 Recreational Trails Program Funds
Apportionment of FY 2001 Minimum Guarantee Funds
Apportionment of FY 2001 Metropolitan Planning Funds
Revised apportionment of FY 2000 Interstate Maintenance Funds
Revised apportionment of FY 2000 National Highway System Funds
Revised apportionment of FY 2000 Surface Transportation Program Funds
U.S. Transportation Secretary designates two new high-speed rail corridors (press release)
Flexible Funds
Financial assistance to eliminate highway-railroad grade crossing hazards on designated high-speed rail corridors - Notice of solicitation of modified and new applications for the designation of additional high-speed corridors. (Federal Register)
Supplemental tables-apportionments authorized for FY 2000
FY 2000 Apportionment Notices:
Interstate Maintenance
National Highway System
Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation Program
Surface Transportation Program
Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program
Recreational Trails Program
Metropolitan Planning
Appalachian Development Highway Program
FY 1999 funding for grade crossing hazard elimination in designated high-speed corridors (press release)
Financial assistance to eliminate highway-railroad grade crossing hazards on designated high-speed rail corridors - notice of designation of corridors and solicitation of aplications (Federal Register)
Press release: Transportation Secretary Slater announces expanded high-speed rail program
Revised FY 1998 allocations to territories (memo)
FY 1998 allocation for Alaska Highway (amended memo)
   FY 1998 apportionment notices
      Surface Transportation Program
      Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program
      Recreational Trails Program
      Metropolitan Planning
      Supplemental apportionment tables
      Interstate Maintenance
      National Highway System
      Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation Program
   FY 1999 apportionment notices
      Apportionment omputational tables
      Interstate Maintenance
      National Highway System
      Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation Program
      Surface Transportation Program
      Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program
      Recreational Trails Program
      Metropolitan Planning
      Appalachian Development Highway Program
Computational tables for FY 1998
Apportionment tables for FY 1999
Sec. 1104.Minimum guarantee
Revised Apportionment of Fiscal Year (FY) 2001 Minimum Guarantee Program Funds
Apportionment of FY 2001 Minimum Guarantee funds
Revised apportionment of FY 2000 Minimum Guarantee funds
FY 2000 apportionment notice
FY 1998 apportionment notice
FY 1999 apportionment notice
Fact sheet
Sec. 1105.Revenue aligned budget authority
Notice 4510.476 Distribution of Revenue Aligned Budget Authority Funds for Fiscal Year (FY) 2002
Notice 4510.467 FHWA Notice N4510.467: Tentative Distribution of Revenue Aligned Budget Authority Funds for Fiscal Year (FY) 2002
Revised Distribution of Revenue Aligned Budget Authority Funds For Fiscal Year 2001
Distribution of revenue aligned budget authority funds for fiscal year 2001
Revised apportionment of FY 2000 Revenue Aligned Budget Authority funds
Revised distribution of revenue aligned budget authority funds for fiscal year 2000
Fact sheet
Sec. 1106.Federal-aid systems
Revised Apportionment of Fiscal year (FY) 2001 Interstate Maintenance Funds
Revised Apportionment of Fiscal Year (FY) 2001 National Highway System Funds
National Highway System Intermodal Freight Connectors (Report to Congress)
Mitigation of impacts to wetlands and natural habitat-final rule (Federal Register)
Apportionment of FY 2001 Interstate Maintenance funds
Apportionment of FY 2001 National Highway System funds
Revised apportionment of FY 2000 Interstate Maintenance funds
Revised apportionment of FY 2000 National Highway System funds
FY 2000 NHS apportionment notice
Mitigation of impacts to wetlands and natural habitat-supplemental notice of proposed rulemaking (Federal Register)
FY 1998 NHS apportionment notice
FY 1999 NHS apportionment notice
Revised FY 1998 allocations to territories (memo)
Interstate discretionary FY 1999 allocations (memo)
Interstate discretionary FY 1999 allocations (table)
Fact sheet on NHS
Interstate construction fund and availability of unobligated balances of Interstate substitute funds (memo)
Sec. 1107.Interstate maintenance program
Revised Apportionment of Fiscal year (FY) 2001 Interstate Maintenance Funds
Interstate maintenance discretionary funds-FY 2001 allocations
Distribution of FY 2001 Interstate Maintenance Discretionary funds (press release)
Apportionment of FY 2001 Interstate Maintenance funds
Interstate maintenance discretionary program-implementation guidance and selection criteria for FY 2001 and beyond (Federal Register)
FY 2000 allocations for Interstate maintenance discretionary program
FY 2000 apportionment notice
FY 2000 implementation guidance for Interstate Maintenance Discretionary Program funds (Federal Register)
FY 1998 apportionment notice
FY 1999 apportionment notice
Request for FY 1998 and 1999 IM (and other) Discretionary projects (Federal Register notice)
Fact sheet
Interstate maintenance program implementing guidance (memo)
Interstate maintenance discretionary FY 1998-99 allocations (memo)
Interstate maintenance discretionary FY 1998-99 allocations (table)
Sec. 1108.Surface transportation program
Transportation Enhancement Program Web Page
Revised Apportionment of Fiscal Year (FY) 2001 Surface Transportation Program Funds
Executive order 13195 of January 18, 2001; trails for America in the 21st century. (Federal Register)
Mitigation of impacts to wetlands and natural habitat-final rule (Federal Register)
Apportionment of FY 2001 Surface Transportation Program funds
Transportation enhancement activities - final guidance
FY 2000 apportionment notice
Transportation enhancement activities - FHWA interim guidance
Mitigation of impacts to wetlands and natural habitat-supplemental notice of proposed rulemaking (Federal Register)
Transfers of STP safety setaside funds
FY 1999 apportionment notice
Fact sheet
Q&A, #1
Q&A, #2
Q&A, #3
Q&A, #4
Sec. 1109.Highway bridge program
Discretionary bridge candidate rating factor
Discretionary Bridge Rating Factors (Federal Register, Final Rule 23 CFR Part 650, October 15, 2002)
Advance notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPRM), request for comments.
FY 2001 Bridge Discretionary Allocations (press release)
FY 2001 Bridge Discretionary funds for seismic bridge retrofit (press release)
Apportionment of FY 2001 Bridge Program funds
FY 2000 apportionment notice
FY 1998 apportionment notice
FY 1999 apportionment notice
Request for FY 1998 and 1999 Bridge (and other) Discretionary projects (Federal Register notice)
FY 1999 Discretionary Bridge Program allocations
Fact sheet
Q&A, #1
Q&A, #2
Q&A, #3
Q&A, #4
Sec. 1110.Congestion mitigation and air quality improvement program
High speed rail projects for the congestion mitigation and air quality improvement program (CMAQ)
Apportionment of FY 2001 Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program funds
Requests for comments on a high-speed rail proposal for the congestion mitigation and air quality program. (Federal Register)
Final guidance for the congestion mitigation and air quality improvement program - correction (Federal Register)
Congestion mitigation and air quality improvement program - final guidance (Federal Register)
The Environmental Guidebook
FY 2000 apportionment notice
Congestion mitigation and air quality improvement program guidance
Congestion mitigation and air quality improvement program guidance (PDF format)
FY 1999 apportionment notice
Interim guidance and request for comments (Federal Register)
Transmittal of guidance on the congestion mitigation and air quality improvement (memo)
Fact sheet
Sec. 1111.Federal share
Fact sheet Federal Matching Flexibility
Toll credit for non-Federal share (memo)
Sec. 1112.Recreational Trails Program Web Page
Memorandum of Understanding for the Administration and Management of National Historic and National Scenic Trails.
Executive order 13195 of January 18, 2001; trails for America in the 21st century. (Federal Register)
Apportionment of FY 2001 Recreational Trails Program funds
FY 2000 apportionment notice
FY 1999 apportionment notice
Fact sheet
Recreational Trails Brochure
Sec. 1113.Emergency relief
U. S. Transportation Secretary Mineta Announces $97.8 Million in Emergency Relief To Repair Infrastructure Damaged by Disasters (Press Release)
Fact sheet
Sec. 1114.Highway use tax evasion projects
Allocation of FY 2000 funds for highway use tax evasion projects
Allocation of FY 1999 funds for highway use tax evasion projects
Implementation procedures - notice and request for comments (Federal Register)
Fact sheet
Sec. 1115.Federal lands highways program
Bureau of indian affairs; Distribution of fiscal year 2002 indian reservation roads funds; Temporary rule and request for comments (Federal Register)
Bureau of indian affairs; Indian reservation roads program; Proposed rule (Federal Register)
Federal lands highway program; Management systems pertaining to the bureau of indian affairs and the indian reservation roads program; Notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM); Request for comments (Federal Register)
Federal lands highway program; Management systems pertaining to the fish and wildlife service and the refuge roads program; Notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM); Request for comments (Federal Register)
Federal lands highway program; Management systems pertaining to the forest service and the forest highway program; Notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM); Request for comments (Federal Register)
Federal lands highway program; Management systems pertaining to the national park service and the park roads and parkways program; Notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM); Request for comments (Federal Register)
Federal lands highway program; Management systems pertaining to the bureau of indian affairs and the indian reservation roads program; Notice of public informational meetings (Federal Register)
Indian reservation roads bridge program; Final rule. (Federal Register)
Distribution of fiscal year 2002 indian reservation road funds
Distribution of FY 2001 Public Lands Discretionary Funds (press release)
Distribution of fiscal year 2000 indian reservation roads funds - temporary rule (Federal Register)
Distribution of FY 2000 Indian reservation roads funds - temporary rule and request for comments
Indian reservation roads program - Request for FY 2000 projects
Federal Lands Highway Program/Bureau of Indian Affairs -Request for projects using additional FY 2000 Indian Reservation Roads funds (Federal Register)
Indian reservation roads program - transportation planning procedures and guidelines
Transportation Planning Procedures and Management Systems Pertaining to the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the Indian Reservation Roads Program. Advance notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPRM); request for comments. (Federal Register)
Transportation Planning Procedures and Management Systems Pertaining to the National Park Service and the Park Roads and Parkways Program. Advance notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPRM); request for comments. (Federal Register)
Transportation Planning Procedures and Management Systems Pertaining to the Forest Service and the Forest Highway Program. Advance notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPRM); request for comments. (Federal Register)
Transportation Panning Procedures and Management Systems Pertaining to the Fish and Wildlife Service and the Refuge Roads Program. Advance notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPRM); request for comments. (Federal Register)
Indian Reservation Road Bridge Program - interim final rule (Federal Register)
Public Lands Highways Discretionary Program funds - FY 2000 implementation guidance (Federal Register)
American Indian Issues Coordinating Committee (FHWA Order)
Project selection/fund allocation procedures for the Indian reservation bridge program - notice and request for comments (Federal Register)
Policy on point of obligation for Federal Lands Highway Program (memo)
Notice of intent to form a negotiated rulemaking committee for Indian Reservation Roads Program (Federal Register)
Request for FY 1998 and 1999 Public Lands Highways (and other) Discretionary projects (Federal Register notice)
Fact sheet
Public Lands Highways Program FY 1999 allocations (memo)
Public Lands Highways Program FY 1999 allocations (table)
Sec. 1116.Woodrow Wilson Memorial Bridge
Fact sheet
Sec. 1117.Appalachian development highway system
Apportionment of FY 2001 Appalachian Development Highway Program funds
FY 2000 apportionment notice
Fact sheet
Sec. 1118.National corridor planning and development program
Transportation equity act for the 21st century; Implementation guidance for the national corridor planning and development program and the coordinated border infrastructure program; Notice; Closing of public docket (Federal Register)
Webcast for the national corridor planning and development program and the coordinated border infrastructure program; Notice of June 7, 2001 webcast following solicitation of intent to apply for fiscal year 2002 grants.
Notice; Request for comments; Solicitation of intent to apply for fiscal year (FY) 2002 grants. (Federal Register)
Announcement of awards of FY 2001 National Corridor Planning and Development program and Coordinated Border Infrastructure program funds (press release)
Implementation guidance for the national corridor planning and development program - notice; request for comments; solicitation of applications for fiscal year 2001 grants. (Federal Register)
Announcement of FY 2000 grants for borders and corridors program (press release)
National corridor planning and development program and coordinated border infrastructure program - public workshops (Federal Register)
Request for comments; Solicitation of applications for fiscal year 2000 grants. (Federal Register)
Announcement of FY 1999 grants for borders and corridors program (press release)
Fact sheet
Sec. 1119.Coordinated border infrastructure and safety program
Transportation equity act for the 21st century; Implementation guidance for the national corridor planning and development program and the coordinated border infrastructure program; Notice; Closing of public docket (Federal Register)
Webcast for the national corridor planning and development program and the coordinated border infrastructure program; Notice of June 7, 2001 webcast following solicitation of intent to apply for fiscal year 2002 grants.
Notice; Request for comments; Solicitation of intent to apply for fiscal year (FY) 2002 grants. (Federal Register)
Announcement of awards of FY 2001 National Corridor Planning and Development program and Coordinated Border Infrastructure program funds (press release)
Implementation guidance for the coordinated border infrastructure program - notice; request for comments; solicitation of applications for fiscal year 2001 grants. (Federal Register)
Announcement of FY 2000 grants for borders and corridors program (press release)
National corridor planning and development program and coordinated border infrastructure program - public workshops (Federal Register)
Request for comments; Solicitation of applications for fiscal year 2000 grants. (Federal Register)
Announcement of FY 1999 grants for borders and corridors program (press release)
Fact sheet

Subtitle B--General Provisions

Sec. 1201.Definitions
Mitigation of impacts to wetlands and natural habitat-final rule (Federal Register)
Transportation enhancement activities - final guidance
Transportation enhancement activities-notice of availability of final guidance (Federal Register)
The Environmental Guidebook
Transportation enhancement activities - FHWA interim guidance
Sec. 1202.Bicycle transportation and pedestrian walkways
Bicycle/Pedestrian Program Web Page
The Environmental Guidebook
Fact sheet
Sec. 1203.Metropolitan planning
Statewide transportation planning; Metropolitan transportation planning; Supplemental notice of proposed rulemaking (SNPRM); Request for comments (Federal Register)
Metropolitan transportation planning and programming; Correction to final rule (Federal Register)
Designation of transportation management areas; Notice of designation (Federal Register)
Planning and research program administration; Final rule (Federal Register)
Statewide transportation planning; Metropolitan transportation planning; Notice; Extension of comment period (Federal Register)
Statewide transportation planning; Metropolitan transportation planning; Partial withdrawal of notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) (Federal Register)
Statewide transportation planning; Metropolitan transportation planning; Correction to final rule (Federal Register)
Statewide transportation planning; Metropolitan transportation planning; Final rule (Federal Register)
Apportionment of FY 2001 Metropolitan Planning funds
FY 2000 apportionment notice
TEA-21 planning and environmental provisions: options for discussion
FY 1999 apportionment notice
Fact sheet
Sec. 1204.Statewide planning
Statewide transportation planning; Metropolitan transportation planning; Supplemental notice of proposed rulemaking (SNPRM); Request for comments (Federal Register)
Statewide transportation planning; Metropolitan transportation planning; Notice; Extension of comment period (Federal Register)
Statewide transportation planning; Metropolitan transportation planning; Partial withdrawal of notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) (Federal Register)
Statewide transportation planning; Metropolitan transportation planning; Correction to final rule (Federal Register)
Statewide transportation planning; Metropolitan transportation planning; Final rule (Federal Register)
TEA-21 planning and environmental provisions: options for discussion
Fact sheet
Sec. 1205.Contracting for engineering and design services
Administration of engineering and design related services contracts - notice of proposed rulemaking; request for comments. (Federal Register)
Fact sheet
Sec. 1206.Access of motorcycles
Sec. 1207.Construction of ferry boats and ferry terminal facilities
Allocation of FY 2001 ferry boat discretionary funds (3 memos)
Distribution of FY 2001 ferry boat and terminal funds (press release)
Implementation information for ferry boat discretionary program funds. (Federal Register)
Allocation of FY 2000 ferry boat discretionary program funds (additional projects)
Allocation of FY 2000 ferry boat discretionary program funds (memo)
Allocation of FY 2000 ferry boat discretionary program funds - AK, NJ, WA (memo)
National Ferry Study - information collection activity under OMB review (Federal Register)
Request for FY 2000 Ferry Boat Discretionary (FBD) projects; request for comments on selection criteria for FBD projects for FY 2001 and beyond (Federal Register notice)
Request for FY 1998 and 1999 Ferry Boat (and other) Discretionary projects (Federal Register notice)
Allocation of FY 1998-99 funds (non-earmarked) (memo)
Allocation of FY 1998-99 funds (non-earmarked) (table)
Allocation of FY 1999 funds (earmarked for Alaska, New Jersey, Washington) (memo)
Request for FY 1998 and 1999 Ferry Boat (and other) Discretionary projects (Federal Register notice)
National Ferry Study - notice of request for clearance of a new information collection (Federal Register)
Fact sheet
Sec. 1208.Training
Fact sheet on training for welfare recipients
Fact sheet on on-the-job training supportive services
Sec. 1209.Use of HOV lanes by inherently low-emission vehicles
Program guidance on high occupancy vehicle lanes (memo)
Sec. 1210.Advanced travel forecasting procedures program
U.S. Department of Transportation announces computer software to improve transportation decisions (press release)
Sec. 1211.Amendments to prior surface transportation laws
National standards for traffic control devices; metric conversion - final rule (Federal Register)
Right-of-way program administration - notice of proposed rulemaking and request for comments
Modification to 1987 STURRA project in Baton Rouge, LA
Fact sheet
Sec. 1212.Miscellaneous
Final Rule
Engineering services - notice of proposed rulemaking; request for comments. (Federal Register)
Truck size and weight - final rule and technical corrections (Federal Register)
Indirect Costs Eligibility and Other TEA-21 Revisions to Title 23 U.S.C. Section 302
Sec. 1213.Studies and reports
FHWA's Model for Estimating Highway Needs Is Generally Reasonable, Despite Limitations (GAO Report)
Highway Infrastructure: FHWA's Model for Estimating Highway Needs has been Modified for State-level Planning. (GAO Report. PDF, 556KB)
Specialized hauling vehicle study-notice of study and request for comments (Federal Register)
Transportation Infrastructure-Better Data Needed to Rate the Nation's Highway Conditions (GAO report)
Impacts of Utility Relocations on Highway and Bridge Projects (GAO Report)
Use of Uniformed Police Officers on Federal-Aid Highway Construction Projects - notice and request for comments (Federal Register)
Impacts of Utility Relocations on Highway and Bridge Projects (GAO Report) (NOTE: This is a PDF file; 362 KB)
Reports and Studies Required by TEA-21
Sec. 1214.Federal activities
Allocation of FY 1998 Funds - Alaska (memo)
Amended Allocation of FY 1998 Funds - Puerto Rico Highway Program (memo)
Additional authorization to States with Indian reservations (memo)
Sec. 1215.Designated transportation enhancement activities
Fact sheet
Sec. 1216.Innovative surface transportation financing methods
Notice; Solicitation for participation. (Federal Register)
Value pricing: notice of grant opportunities [Cancelled]
Program guidance on high occupancy vehicle lanes (memo)
Interstate highway reconstruction/rehabilitation pilot program-open solicitation for candidate proposals
Implementation guidance for the Interstate highway reconstruction/rehabilitation pilot program; solicitation for candidate proposals (Federal Register)
Interstate highway reconstruction/rehabilitation pilot program - solicitation for candidates (memo)
Solicitation of participation in value pricing program (memo)
Fact sheet on Interstate toll pilot
Fact sheet on value pricing
Fact sheet Federal matching flexibility
Implementation for participation in the value pricing pilot program (Federal Register)
Sec. 1217.Eligibility
Specific food service signing
Sec. 1218.Magnetic levitation transportation technology deployment program
Environmental impact statement for Pennsylvania maglev proposal
Environmental impact statement for the Baltimore-Washington maglev proposal
U.S. Secretary of Transportation Slater selects two high speed maglev projects (press release)
U.S. Transportation Secretary Slater announces grants to complete planning for maglev projects (press release)
Magnetic levitation transportation technology development program - final rule (Federal Register)
Programmatic environmental inpact statement for the maglev deployment program-notice of intent to prepare environmental impact statement (Federal Register)
Magnetic levitation technology deployment program - announcement of finalists (press release)
Magnetic levitation transportation technology development program - amendment to interim final rule (Federal Register)
Urban magnetic levitation transit technology development program
Interim final rule and request for comments (Federal Register)
Fact sheet
Sec. 1219.National scenic byways program
Distribution of FY 2001 scenic byways funds (press release)
Request for FY 1999 Scenic Byways Discretionary projects (Federal Register notice)
Fact sheet
Sec. 1220.Elimination of regional office responsibilities
Sec. 1221.Transportation and community and system preservation pilot program
Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21); Implementation for the transportation and community and system preservation pilot program; Notice (Federal Register)
Distribution of FY 2001 Transportation and Community and System Preservation Pilot Program funds (press release)
Notice; request for applications for FY2002 transportation and community and system preservation (TCSP) grants; request for FY2002 TCSP research recommendations; request for comments on program implementation and research needs. (Federal Register)
FY 2000 Transportation and community and system preservation pilot program grants - (press release)
The Environmental Guidebook
Transportation and community and system preservation pilot program - request for applications for FY 2001 grants, TCSP research proposals and comments (Federal Register)
Transportation and community and system preservation pilot program - request for applications for FY 2000 (Federal Register)
Announcement of FY 1999 grant recipients (press release)
Announcement of finalists for grants under TEA-21 community preservation provision (press release)
Request for comments on program implementation for FY 2000 and beyond; request for letters of intent for FY 1999 planning and implementation grants (Federal Register notice)
Fact sheet
Sec. 1222.Additions to Appalachian region
Fact sheet
Sec. 1223.Transportation assistance for olympic cities
Fact sheet
Sec. 1224.National historic covered bridge preservation (added by PL 105-206)
Distribution of FY 2001 historic covered bridge preservation funds (press release)
National Historic Covered Bridge web page
Implementation guidance for the national historic covered bridge preservation program; notice - request for comments on selection criteria for fiscal year 2001 and beyond. (Federal Register)
Fact sheet
Sec. 1225.Substitute project (added by PL 105-206)
Sec. 1226.Fiscal, administrative, and other amendments (added by PL 105-206)
Advance construction of federal-aid projects; Notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM); Request for comments. (Federal Register)

Subtitle C--Program Streamlining and Flexibility

Sec. 1301.Real property acquisition and corridor preservation
Revised 23 CFR part 710, Right-of-Way and Real Estate
Fact sheet
Sec. 1302.Payments to States for construction
Tapered match on Federal-aid projects
Sec. 1303.Proceeds from the sale or lease of real property
Engineering cost reimbursement. Federal-aid project agreement; Final Rule. (Federal Register)
Revised 23 CFR part 710, Right-of-Way and Real Estate
Sec. 1304.Engineering cost reimbursement
Federal-aid project agreement; Final Rule. (Federal Register)
Federal-aid project agreement - notice of proposed rulemaking; request for comments. (Federal Register)
Fact sheet
Implementing guidance (memo)
Sec. 1305.Project approval and oversight
Federal-aid project agreement; Final Rule. (Federal Register)
Implementation guidance for financial plans of mega projects; notice of availability of guidance with request for comment. (Federal Register)
Federal-aid project agreement - notice of proposed rulemaking; request for comments. (Federal Register)
Revised 23 CFR part 710, Right-of-Way and Real Estate
Project oversight guidance
FHWA financial plan guidance
Project authorization/project agreement (memo)
Project authorization/project agreement (form in PDF format)
Fact sheet
Sec. 1306.Standards
Phase Construction for Safety Considerations Memorandum
Sec. 1307.Design-build contracting
Design-build contracting; Final rule (Federal Register)
Design-build contracting; Correction to final rule (Federal Register)
Correction to notice of proposed rulemaking
Design-build contracting; proposed rule (Federal Register)
Fact sheet
Agency information collection activities: submission for OMB review.
Sec. 1308.Major investment study integration
Statewide transportation planning; Metropolitan transportation planning; Partial withdrawal of notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) (Federal Register)
TEA-21 planning and environmental provisions: options for discussion
Fact sheet
Sec. 1309.Environmental streamlining
NEPA and related procedures for transportation decisionmaking, protection of public parks, wildlife and waterfowl refuges, and historic sites; Withdrawal of proposed rulemaking and closing of public docket (Federal Register)
Evaluating the Performance of Environmental Streamlining: Development of a NEPA baseline for Measuring Continuous Performance
Environmental streamlining
Environmental streamlining - notice of availability of information (Federal Register)
TEA-21 planning and environmental provisions: options for discussion
Fact sheet
Sec. 1310.Uniform transferability of Federal-aid highway funds
Transportation enhancement activities - FHWA interim guidance
Fact sheet
Guidance of Transfer Provisions (memo)
Sec. 1311.Discretionary grant selection criteria and process (added by PL 105-206)
Discretionary Bridge Rating Factors (Federal Register, Final Rule 23 CFR Part 650, October 15, 2002)
Discretionary bridge candidate rating factor
FHWA discretionary programs - quarterly status report 4/1/99-6/30/99
FHWA discretionary programs - quarterly status report 1/1/98-3/31/99
FHWA discretionary programs - quarterly status report 10/1/98-12/31/98

Subtitle D--Safety

Sec. 1401.Hazard elimination program
Transfers of STP safety setaside funds
Fact sheet
Sec. 1402.Roadside safety technologies
Sec. 1403.Safety incentive grants for use of seat belts
Innovative grants to support increased seat belt use rates; Announcement of grants to support innovative and effective projects designed to increase seat belt use rates (Federal Register)
Innovative grants to support increased seat belt use rates; Re-issuance of announcement of grants to support innovative and effective projects designed to increase seat belt use rates. (Federal Register)
U.S. Transportation Secretary Mineta announces FY2001 incentive grants of $38.2 million to increase seat belt use (press release)
FY 2001 Safety incentive grants for use of seat belts
Uniform criteria for State observational surveys of seat belt use - final rule (Federal Register)
FY 2000 grants to States to develop innovative projects to increase seat belt use
FY 1999 seat belt incentive grants
FY 2000 seat belt incentive grants (press release)
Safety incentive grants for use of seat belts - Uniform criteria for state observational surveys of seat belt use - extension of comment period (Federal Register)
Seat belt safety incentive program - apportionment of FY 1999 funds remaining after allocation of incentive grants (FHWA Notice)
Solicitation of applications for FY 2000 safety incentive grants for use of seat belts (Federal Register)
Uniform criteria for state observational surveys of seat belt use (Federal Register notice)
Interim final rule for allocations based on state seat belt use rates (Federal Register)
Fact sheet
Sec. 1404.Safety incentives to prevent operation of motor vehicles by intoxicated persons
FY 2000 0.08 blood alcohol concentration incentive grants
U.S. Transportation Secretary Slater announces $69.7 million in incentive grants to 17 states, D.C., with .08 BAC laws (press release)
FY 1998 0.08 blood alcohol concentration incentive grants
FY 1999 0.08 blood alcohol concentration incentive grants
Safety incentives to prevent operation of motor vehicles by intoxicated persons. Final rule; Correction of effective date. (Federal Register)
Operation of motor vehicles by intoxicated persons - final rule (Federal Register)
Interim final rule/request for comments (Federal Register)
Fact sheet
Sec. 1405.Open container laws (added by PL 105-206)
Open container laws - Final Rule. (Federal Register)
FY 2001 transfers pursuant to 23 USC 154 (requirement for open container laws)
Interim final rule and request for comments (Federal Register)
Fact sheet
Sec. 1406.Minimum penalties for repeat offenders for driving while intoxicated or driving under the influence (added by PL 105-206)
Repeat intoxicated driver laws - final rule (Federal Register)
FY 2001 transfers pursuant to 23 USC 164 (requirement for minimum penalties for repeat offenders)
Interim final rule and request for comments (Federal Register)
Fact sheet

Subtitle E--Finance

Chapter 1.Transportation infrastructure finance and innovation
Sec. 1501.Short title
Sec. 1502.Findings
Sec. 1503.Establishment of program
Applications for TIFIA credit assistance - Notice of availability of funds inviting applications for credit assistance for major surface transportation projects. (Federal Register)
Applications for TIFIA credit assistance
Applications for TIFIA credit assistance - Notice of availability of funds inviting applications for credit assistance for major surface transportation projects. (Federal Register)
Organization and delegation of powers and duties; delegation to the Administrator, Federal Highway Administration. (Federal Register)
U.S. Transportation Secretary Slater announces $880 million in innovative Federal financing for two projects totaling $3.46 billion (press release)
U.S. Secretary of Transportation announces $637.8 million in innovative Federal financing for three projects totaling $1.95 billion (press release 9/26/2000)
Applications for TIFIA credit assistance - notice of availability of funds inviting applications for credit assistance for major surface transportation projects. (Federal Register)
Credit assistance for surface transportation projects - final rule. (Federal Register)
Credit assistance for surface transportation projects - notice of proposed rulemaking and request for comments (Federal Register)
Fiscal year 2000 applications for TIFIA credit assistanceBNotice of availability of funds inviting applications for credit assistance for major surface transportation projects (Federal Register)
FY 1999 credit assistance for surface transportation projects under the Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (TIFIA) (press release)
Credit assistance for surface transportation projects; Fiscal Year 1999 applications for TIFIA credit assistance; Final Rule and Notice (Federal Register)
Fiscal Year 1999 applications for TIFIA credit assistance - Notice of availability of funds inviting applications for credit assistance for major surface transportation projects. (Federal Register)
Credit assistance for surface transportation projects - notice of proposed rulemaking and request for comments (Federal Register)
Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act - listening session (Federal Register notice)
Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act web page
Fact sheet
Sec. 1504.Duties of the Secretary
Chapter 2. State infrastructure bank pilot program
Sec. 1511.State infrastructure bank pilot program
Notice of proposed rulemaking - Dept. of Labor procedural guidelines for certification of certain FTA projects (Federal Register)
Fact sheet

Subtitle F--High Priority Projects

Sec. 1601.High priority projects program
Sec. 1602.Project authorizations
Allocation of FY 2000 funding for high priority projects
(PDF file; 444 KB)
Allocation of FY 2000 funding to Federal Lands Highways for high priority projects
(PDF file; 36 KB)
Transfer of FY 2000 high priority project funds to the Federal Railroad Administration
(PDF file; 15 KB)
Allocation of FY 1998 Funding for High Priority Projects (memo)
Allocation of FY 1999 Funding for High Priority Projects (memo)
Fact sheet
TEA-21 authorization table
Sec. 1603.Special rule

Title II--Highway Safety

TEA-21 State Highway Safety Programs

Sec. 2001.Highway safety programs
FY 2001 highway safety funding - amounts awarded to date
FY 2000 State and community highway safety program grants
FY 1999 State and community highway safety program grants
Guidelines for State and community highway safety grant program
FY 1998 obligation limitation for the State and community highway safety program
Grant availability to federally recognized Indian tribes for projects implementing traffic safety on Indian reservations (Federal Register)
Fact sheet
Sec. 2002.Highway safety research and development
Uniform procedures for State highway safety programs - final rule (Federal Register)
Sec. 2003.Occupant protection
Incentive Grants
Announcement of grants for child passenger protection education. (Federal Register)
Occupant protection grants - FY 2000 (press release)
FY 2000 child passenger protection education grants
Occupant protection grants - FY 1999
Fact sheet on occupant protection incentive grants
Fact sheet on child passenger protection education grants
Occupant protection incentive grants - interim final rule/request for comments (Federal Register)
Child passenger protection education grants-call for FY 2000 applications (Federal Register)
Sec. 2004.Alcohol-impaired driving countermeasures
Alcohol-impaired driving countermeasures incentive grants - FY 2000 (press release)
Incentive grants for alcohol-impaired driving prevention programs - final rule (Federal Register)
FY 1999 alcohol-impaired driving countermeasures incentive grants
FY 1998 alcohol-impaired driving countermeasures incentive grants
Incentive grants for alcohol impaired driving prevention programs - interim final rule/request for comments (Federal Register)
Fact sheet
Sec. 2005.State highway safety data improvements
U.S. Transportation Secretary Mineta announces FY2001 grants of $8.53 million to States, Territories to improve traffic records (press release)
FY 2000 State highway safety data improvement incentive grants
FY 1999 State highway safety data improvement incentive grants
Interim final rule/request for comments (Federal Register)
State highway safety data and traffic records improvement - final rule (Federal Register)
Fact sheet
Sec. 2006.National Driver Register
Procedures for participating in and receiving data from the National Driver Register Problem Driver Pointer System - final rule (Federal Register)
Sec. 2007.Safety studies
Sec. 2008.Effectiveness of laws establishing maximum blood alcohol concentrations
Effective of State .08 Blood Alcohol Laws (GAO Report)
Effective of State .08 Blood Alcohol Laws (GAO Report) (NOTE: This is a PDF file; 254 KB)
Sec. 2009.Authorizations of appropriations
TEA-21 authorization table

Title III--Federal Transit Administration Programs

Fiscal year 2003 annual list of certifications and assurances for Federal Transit Administration grants and cooperative agreements; Notice (Federal Register)
Fiscal year 2002 annual list of certifications and assurances for Federal Transit Administration grants and cooperative agreements (Federal Register)
FY 2002 Federal Transit Administration apportionments, allocations and program information (Federal Register)
FTA fiscal year 2003 apportionments, allocations and program information; Notice of supplemental information, changes, and corrections. (Federal Register)
FTA fiscal year 2003 apportionments, allocations and program information; Notice. (Federal Register)
FY 2001 Federal Transit Administration apportionments, allocations and program information (Federal Register)
FTA grant assistance programs - 1999 statistical summaries
Changes to FTA FY 2000 allocations for section 5309 bus program
FTA fiscal year 2000 apportionments, allocations and program information (Federal Register notice)
Fiscal year 2000 annual list of certifications and assurances for FTA grants and cooperative agreements (Federal Register notice)
Federal Transit Administration Grants Management Workbook
FTA Program Fact Sheets
FTA fiscal year 1999 apportionments, allocations and program information - notice of correction
FTA transit program changes and final funding levels for FY 1998 (Federal Register notice)
FTA transit program technical amendments changes under the TEA-21 (Federal Register notice)
FTA fiscal year 1999 apportionments, allocations and program information (Federal Register notice)
Fiscal year 1999 annual list of certifications and assurances for FTA grants and cooperative agreements (Federal Register notice)

Sec. 3001.Short title
Sec. 3002.Amendments to title 49, United States Code
Sec. 3003.Definitions
Fact sheet on preventative maintenance
Fact sheet on paratransit services under the Americans with Disabilities Act
Sec. 3004.Metropolitan planning
FTA program fact sheet
Authorizations and guaranteed funding
Grant Management - FTA Circular FTA C 5010.1C
Fact sheet
Sec. 3005.Transportation improvement program
Fact sheet
Sec. 3006.Transportation management areas
Planning certification reviews for FY 1999
Sec. 3007.Urbanized area formula grants
Urbanized area formula program: grant application instructions (FTA Circular C 9030.1C)
FTA program fact sheet
Fact sheet on urbanized area formula grants
Fact sheet on transit enhancements
Grant Management - FTA Circular FTA C 5010.1C
Sec. 3008.Clean fuels formula grant program
Clean fuels formula grant program; Final rule (Federal Register)
Clean fuels formula grant program; proposed rule
FTA program fact sheet
Fact sheet
Sec. 3009.Capital investment grants and loans
Agency information collection activity under OMB review.
Major capital investment projects-final rule (Federal Register)
Implementation of FTA's New Starts Evaluation Process and FY 2001 Funding Proposals (GAO Report) (TEXT)
Implementation of FTA's New Starts Evaluation Process and FY 2001 Funding Proposals (GAO Report) (PDF)
Proposed allocation of funds for fiscal year 2001
New Starts-An Introduction to FTA's Capital Investment Program
Capital program: grant application instructions (FTA Circular C 9300.1A)
FTA program fact sheet - New Starts
Major capital investment projects - proposed rule and notice of meeting (Federal Register)
Major capital investment projects - proposed rule (Federal Register)
Annual report on new starts; proposed allocation of funds for FY 2000
Dear colleague letter on new starts
Grant Management - FTA Circular FTA C 5010.1C
Fact sheet
Sec. 3010.Dollar value of mobility improvements
Sec. 3011.Local share
Sec. 3012.Intelligent transportation systems applications
Sec. 3013.Formula grants and loans for special needs of elderly individuals and individuals with disabilities
FTA program fact sheet - Elderly and Persons with Disabilities Grants
Elderly and persons with disabilities program guidance and application instructions (FTA Circular)
Fact sheet
Sec. 3014.Formula program for other than urbanized areas
Fact sheet
Non-urbanized area formula program guidance and grant application instructions (FTA Circular)
Sec. 3015.Research, development, demonstration, and training projects
International Mass Transportation Program - notice and request for comments (Federal Register)
Urban magnetic levitation transit technology development program
Request for participation in the bus rapid transit demonstration program (Federal Register)
Joint partnership program for deployment of innovation (Federal Register)
Dear Colleague letter on joint partnership program for deployment of innovation
Sec. 3016.National planning and research programs
Changes to FTA FY 2000 program funding
FTA program fact sheet
Sec. 3017.National Transit Institute
Sec. 3018.Bus testing facilities
Sec. 3019.Bicycle facilities
Sec. 3020.General provisions on assistance
Buy America requirements - amendment of certification procedures (Federal Register)
Sec. 3021.Pilot program for intercity rail infrastructure investment from mass transit account of highway trust fund
Sec. 3022.Contract requirements
Sec. 3023.Special procurements
Sec. 3024.Project management oversight and review
Sec. 3025.Administrative procedures
Sec. 3026.Reports and audits
Sec. 3027.Apportionment of appropriations for formula grants
Implementation of Section 360 of the Omnibus Appropriations Act for FY 1999 (use of urbanized are formula funds for operating assistance in certain areas) (Federal Register notice)
Sec. 3028.Apportionment of appropriations for fixed guideway modernization
Sec. 3029.Authorizations
TEA-21 authorization table
FTA funding tables
Fact sheet on Alaska Railroad
Sec. 3030.Projects for new fixed guideway systems and extensions to existing systems
FTA program fact sheet - Fixed Guideway Modernization
Sec. 3031.Projects for bus and bus-related facilities
FTA program fact sheet - Bus and Bus-Related
Sec. 3032.Contracting out study
Sec. 3033.Urbanized area formula study
Urbanized Area Formula Program and the Needs of Small Transit Intensive Cities (report to Congress)
Study of Section 5307 Urbanized Area Formula program and the Transit Needs of Small Urbanized Areas - Request for comments and notice of meeting (Federal Register)
Sec. 3034.Coordinated transportation services
Transportation Coordination-Benefits and Barriers Exist, and Planning Efforts Progress Slowly (GAO report)
Sec. 3035.Final assembly of buses
Sec. 3036.Clean fuel vehicles
Mass Transit-Use of Alternative Fuels in Transit Buses (GAO report)
Sec. 3037.Job access and reverse commute grants
Job access and reverse commute program grants; Notice of availability of funds; Solicitation for grant proposals (Federal Register)
Job access and reverse commute program announcement of project selection (Federal Register)
U.S. Secretary of Transportation announces $73 million for welfare-to-work transportation (press release)
Job access and reverse commute program - FY 2000 projects
Guidance on use of TANF, WtW, and Job Access funds for Transportation
Job access and reverse commute electronic application.
Job access and reverse commute competitive grants - solicitation for grant applications
Welfare Reform-Implementing DOT's Access to Jobs Program (GAO report)
Welfare Reform-Implementing DOT's Access to Jobs Program in its First Year (GAO report)
Job access and reverse commute competitive grant program - announcement of selected FY 1999 projects (Federal Register)
Final rule - Dept. of Labor procedural guidelines for certification of certain FTA projects (Federal Register)
Transportation Planning for Access to Jobs (Report)
FTA program fact sheet - Job Access and Reverse Commute
Job access and reverse commute grants - FY 1999 projects
Notice of proposed rulemaking - Dept. of Labor procedural guidelines for certification of certain FTA projects (Federal Register)
Dear Colleague Letter re: working with public housing agencies' welfare to work rental voucher programs
Request for public comment (Federal Register Notice)
Fact sheet
FTA welfare-to-work home page
Job access and reverse competitive grants - notice of availability of funds and solicitation for grant applications (Federal Register)
Sec. 3038.Rural transportation accessibility incentive program
Over-the-road bus accessibility program grants; Notice of availability of fiscal year 2002 funds; Solicitation of grant applications (Federal Register)
Over-the-road bus accessibility program grants; Notice of availability of fiscal year 2003 funds; Solicitation of grant applications (Federal Register)
Transportation for individuals with disabilities - Accessibility of over-the-road buses; Interim final rule; Request for comments. (Federal Register)
Over-the-road bus accessibility program announcement of project selection
Transportation for individuals with disabilities, Accessibility of over-the-road buses (OTRBs). (Federal Register)
Notice of availability of funds; Solicitation of grant applications. (Federal Register)
Over-the-road bus accessibility program - announcement of project selection. (Federal Register)
Over-the-Road Bus Accessibility Program Grants-Solicitation of FY 2000 grant applications (Federal Register)
Over-the Road Bus Accessibility Program-announcement of project selection (Federal Register)
Final rule - Dept. of Labor procedural guidelines for certification of certain FTA projects (Federal Register)
FTA program fact sheet - Over-the Road Bus Accessibility
Over-the road bus accessability; program guidance revision (Federal Register)
Over-the road bus accessability; program guidance revision and extension of application deadline (Federal Register)
Notice of proposed rulemaking - Dept. of Labor procedural guidelines for certification of certain FTA projects (Federal Register)
Over-the-road bus accessibility program grants - solicitation of grant applications (Federal Register)
Fact sheet
Sec. 3039.Study of transit needs in national parks and related public lands
Sec. 3040.Obligation ceiling
Sec. 3041.Adjustments for the Surface Transportation Extension Act of 1997

Title IV--Motor Carrier Safety

Fact sheet on motor carrier program safety programs

Sec. 4001.Amendments to title 49, United States Code
Sec. 4002.Statement of purposes
Motor carrier safety assistance program - final rule (Federal Register)
Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program - Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (Federal Register)
Sec. 4003.State grants
Motor carrier safety assistance program - final rule (Federal Register)
Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program - Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (Federal Register)
Sec. 4004.Information systems
Sec. 4005.Automobile transporter defined
Truck size and weight - final rule and technical corrections (Federal Register)
Sec. 4006.Inspections and reports
Sec. 4007.Waivers, exemptions, and pilot programs
Qualification of drivers; Exemption applications; Vision; Notice of applications for exemption from the vision standard; Request for comments. (Federal Register)
Qualification of drivers; Exemption applications; Vision; Notice of denials. (Federal Register)
Qualification of drivers; Exemption applications; Diabetes; Notice; Reopening of comment period. (Federal Register)
Qualification of drivers; Exemption Applications; Vision; Notice of renewal of exemption; Request for comments (Federal Register)
Commercial driver's license standards; Exemption application from Joest Racing USA, Inc; Notice of application for exemption; Request for comments (Federal Register)
Qualification of drivers; Exemption Applications; Vision; Notice of final disposition (Federal Register)
Qualification of drivers; Exemption Applications; Vision; Notice of renewal of exemption; Request for comments (Federal Register)
Qualification of drivers; Exemption Applications; Vision; Notice of applications for exemption from the vision standard; Request for comments (Federal Register)
Qualification of drivers; Exemption Applications; Vision; Notice of renewal of exemption; Request for comments (Federal Register)
Qualification of drivers; Exemption Applications; Vision; Notice of applications for exemption from the vision standard; Request for comments (Federal Register)
Qualification of drivers; Exemption Applications; Diabetes; Notice; Reopening of comment period (Federal Register)
Qualification of drivers; Exemption applications; Vision; Notice of renewal of exemption; Request for comments (Federal Register)
Qualification of drivers; Exemption applications; Vision; Notice of applications for exemption from the vision standard; Request for comments (Federal Register)
Qualification of drivers; Exemption applications; Vision; Notice of renewal of exemption; Request for comments (Federal Register)
Qualification of drivers; Exemption applications; Vision; Notice of denials (Federal Register)
Qualification of drivers; Exemption applications; Vision; Notice of renewal of exemption; Request for comments (Federal Register)
Qualification of drivers; Exemption applications; Vision; Notice of applications for exemption from the vision standard; Request for comments (Federal Register)
Qualification of drivers; Exemption applications; Vision; Notice of final disposition (Federal Register)
Application for exemptions from driver physical qualification standards from Jerry Parker; Notice of application for exemptions; Request for comments (Federal Register)
Qualification of drivers; Exemption applications; Vision; Notice of denials. (Federal Register)
Qualification of drivers; Exemption applications; Vision; Notice of final disposition. (Federal Register)
Qualification of drivers; Exemption applications; Vision; Notice of applications for exemption from the vision standard; Request for comments. (Federal Register)
Qualification of drivers; Exemption applications; Vision; Notice of renewal of exemption; Request for comments. (Federal Register)
Qualification of drivers; Exemption applications; Vision; Notice of final disposition. (Federal Register)
Qualification of drivers; Exemption applications; Vision; Notice of final disposition. (Federal Register)
Qualification of drivers; Exemption applications; Vision; Notice of final disposition. (Federal Register)
Qualification of drivers; Exemption applications; Vision; Notice of renewal of exemption; Request for comments. (Federal Register)
Qualification of drivers; Exemption applications; Vision. Notice of applications for exemption from the vision standard; request for comments. (Federal Register)
Qualification of drivers; Exemption applications; Vision. Notice of applications for exemption from the vision standard; request for comments. (Federal Register)
Qualification of drivers; Exemption applications; Vision. Notice of renewal of exemption. (Federal Register)
Qualification of drivers; Exemption applications; Vision. Notice of final disposition. (Federal Register)
Qualification of drivers; Exemption applications; Vision. Notice of renewal of exemption; request for comments. (Federal Register)
Qualification of drivers; Exemption applications; Vision. Notice of applications for exemption from the vision standard; request for comments. (Federal Register)
Qualification of drivers; Exemption applications; Vision. Notice of final disposition. (Federal Register)
Qualification of drivers-exemption applications-vision-notice (Federal Register)
Notice of renewal of exemption; request for comments. (Federal Register)
Notice of applications for exemption from the vision standard; request for comments. (Federal Register)
Qualification of drivers; exemption applications;vision-notice of final disposition (Federal Register)
Qualification of drivers; exemption applications;vision-notice of final disposition (Federal Register)
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations-technical amendments (Federal Register)
Parts and accessories necessary for safe operation-Ford Motor Company's exemption applications (Federal Register)
Parts and accessories necessary for safe operation-General Motors Corporation's exemption applications (Federal Register)
Qualification of drivers; exemption applications;vision-notice of final disposition
Qualification of drivers; exemption applications; vision-notice of petitions and intent to grant applications for exemption and request for comments (Federal Register)
Qualification of drivers; exemption applications; vision - notice of final disposition (Federal Register)
Interim final rule and request for comments (Federal Register)
Announcement of public meeting (Federal Register)
Sec. 4008.Safety regulation
Federal motor carrier safety regulations; definition of commercial motor vehicle (CMV); requirements for operators of small passenger-carrying CMVs. (Federal Register)
Definition of commercial motor vehicle-interim final rule (Federal Register)
Requirements for operators of small passenger-carrying commercial motor vehicles-notice of proposed rulemaking and request for comments (Federal Register)
ANPRM on definition of commercial motor vehicle (Federal Register)
Sec. 4009.Safety fitness
Safety fitness procedures - final rule (Federal Register)
Safety Fitness Procedures-Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (Federal Register)
ANPRM on safety fitness procedures (Federal Register notice)
Sec. 4010.Repeal of certain obsolete miscellaneous authorities
Sec. 4011.Commercial vehicle operators
Sec. 4012.Exemption from certain regulations for utility service commercial motor vehicle drivers
Sec. 4013.Participation in international registration plan and international fuel tax agreement
Sec. 4014.Safety performance history of new drivers; limitation on liability
Sec. 4015.Penalties
Sec. 4016.Authority over charter bus transportation
Sec. 4017.Telephone hotline for reporting safety violations
Sec. 4018.Insulin treated diabetes mellitus
Qualification of drivers; exemption applications; diabetes
Sec. 4019.Performance-based CDL testing
Inquiries regarding graduated commercial driver's licensing; Qualifications, testing, and licensing standards (Federal Register)
Agency information collection activities under OMB review: OMB control no. 2126-NEW (graduated commercial driver's license (CDL) survey)
Graduated Commercial Driver's License Survey - notice of request for clearance of a new information collection (Federal Register)
Sec. 4020.Post-accident alcohol testing
Post-accident alcohol testing - notice and request for comments (Federal Register)
Sec. 4021.Driver fatigue
Fatigue reducing technologies - request for information (Federal Register)
Sec. 4022.Improved flow of driver history pilot program
Sec. 4023.Employee protections
Sec. 4024.Improved interstate school bus safety
Advance notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPRM); request for comments
Sec. 4025.Truck trailer conspicuity
Final rule-Parts and accessories necessary for safe operation; lighting devices, reflectors, and electrical equipment (Federal Register)
Sec. 4026.DOT implementation plan
Sec. 4027.Study of adequacy of parking facilities
Adequacy of truck parking facilities - notice of conference (Federal Register)
Sec. 4028.Qualifications of foreign motor carriers
Sec. 4029.Federal motor carrier safety inspectors
Sec. 4030.School transportation safety
Sec. 4031.Designation of New Mexico commercial zone
Sec. 4032.Effects of MCSAP grant reductions

Title V--Transportation Research

Subtitle A--Funding

Sec. 5001.Authorization of appropriations
Amber plan program support assistance; Request for applications; Notice; Request for applications (Federal Register)
Participation in the fiscal year 2003 intelligent transportation systems (ITS) deployment program
Model deployment of a regional, multi-modal 511 traveler information system; request for participation
TEA-21 authorization table
511 Traveler Information Telephone Number Program Support Assistance Program; Request for Applications
Conversion of traveler information telephone numbers to 511; request for participation (Federal Register)
Sec. 5002.Obligation ceiling
Sec. 5003.Notice

Subtitle B--Research and Technology

Sec. 5101.Research and technology program
Sec. 5102.Surface transportation research
1999 Status of the Nation's Highways, Bridges and Transit: Conditions and Performance (Report to Congress)
Fact sheet
Sec. 5103.Technology deployment
Distribution of FY 2001 innovative bridge research and construction program funds (press release)
Innovative bridge research and construction program funds - public meeting and request for comments
Innovative bridge research and construction program funds - implementation information (Federal Register Notice)
Fact sheet
Sec. 5104.Training and education
Sec. 5105.State planning and research
Planning and research program administration; Final rule (Federal Register)
Notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM); request for comments
Sec. 5106.International highway transportation outreach program
Sec. 5107.Surface transportation-environment cooperative program
Fact sheet
Sec. 5108.Surface transportation research strategic planning
Fact sheet
Sec. 5109.Bureau of Transportation Statistics
Grant program for research and development in the field of transportation statistics; Notice of new grant cycle (Federal Register)
Grant program for research and development in the field of transportation statistics
Sec. 5110.University transportation research
U.S. Transportation Secretary Slater announces $21.8 million in grants for transportation research (press release)
U.S. Transportation Secretary Slater announces grant to Purdue University for transportation research (press release)
U.S. Transportation Secretary Slater announces grant to University of Alabama for transportation research (press release)
University Transportation Centers Program home page
Announcement of University Transportation Centers Program grant solicitation
Fact sheet
Sec. 5111.Advanced vehicle technologies program
Sec. 5112.Study of future strategic highway research program
Sec. 5113.Commercial remote sensing products and spatial information technologies
Sec. 5114.Sense of the Congress on the year 2000 problem
Sec. 5115.International trade traffic
Sec. 5116.University grants
Sec. 5117.Transportation technology innovation and demonstration program
Participation in the intelligent transportation infrastructure program; Notice; request for participation. (Federal Register)
Sec. 5118.Drexel University Intelligent Infrastructure Institute
Sec. 5119.Conforming amendments
Planning and research program administration; Final rule (Federal Register)

Subtitle C

Intelligent Transportation Systems in the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (brochure) - Note: This document is in PDF format.

Fact sheet on ITS

Sec. 5201.Short title
Sec. 5202.Findings
Sec. 5203.Goals and purposes
Sec. 5204.General authorities and requirements
Guidelines for the evaluation of operational tests and deployment projects for intelligent transportation systems (Federal Register)
Sec. 5205.National ITS program plan
Sec. 5206.National architecture and standards
FTA fiscal year 2002 apportionments, allocations and program information
Final rule to make technical corrections concerning ITS Architecture and Standards.
Intelligent transportation system architecture and standards. (Federal Register)
Federal Transit Administration national ITS architecture policy on transit projects. (Federal Register)
Intelligent transportation system architecture and standards - extension of comment period (Federal Register)
Intelligent transportation system architecture and standards - notice of proposed rule making; extension of comment period. (Federal Register)
Two notices of proposed rulemaking requiring consideration of ITS integration and interoperability during planning and project development, and development of ITS regional architecture.
Dedicated short range communications in intelligent transportation systems commercial vehicle operations-notice of proposed rulemaking and request for comments (Federal Register)
Dedicated short range communications of intelligent transportation services-final rule (Federal Register)
Allocation of radio spectrum for ITS operations (press release)
FCC approval of radio band for ITS program-questions and answers
Proposed criteria and draft list of critical ITS standards - notice and request for comment (Federal Register)
Interim guidance on conformity with the National ITS architecture and standards (Federal Register)
Sec. 5207.Research and development
FTA fiscal year 2002 apportionments, allocations and program information
Weather and winter mobility program-notice and solicitation of letters of interest (Federal Register)
Request for Letters of Interest to Participate in an Operational Test of an Electronic Payment System for Transit Fare Collection and Other Applications (Federal Register Notice)
Sec. 5208.Intelligent transportation system integration program
Participation in the fiscal year 2003 intelligent transportation systems (ITS) deployment program
Distribution of FY 2001 intelligent transportation system deployment funds (press release)
The TEA-21 ITS Deployment Program - Interim Report 2000
Implementation information for the intelligent transportation system deployment program (Federal Register)
Sec. 5209.Commercial vehicle intelligent transportation system infrastructure deployment
Participation in the fiscal year 2003 intelligent transportation systems (ITS) deployment program
FTA fiscal year 2002 apportionments, allocations and program information
Distribution of FY 2001 intelligent transportation system deployment funds (press release)
The TEA-21 ITS Deployment Program - Interim Report 2000
Implementation information for the intelligent transportation system deployment program (Federal Register)
Sec. 5210.Use of funds
Sec. 5211.Definitions
Sec. 5212.Project funding
Sec. 5213.Repeal

Title VI--Ozone and Particulate Matter Standards

Fact sheet
Sec. 6101.Findings and purpose
Sec. 6102.Particulate matter monitoring program
Sec. 6103.Ozone designation requirements
Sec. 6104.Additional provisions

Title VII--Miscellaneous

Subtitle A--Automobile Safety and Information

Sec. 7101.Short title
Sec. 7102.Authorization of appropriations
TEA-21 authorization table
Sec. 7103.Improving air bag safety
Federal motor vehicle safety standards; Occupant crash protection; Notice of proposed rulemaking; Response to petitions for rulemaking (Federal Register)
Federal motor vehicle safety standards; Occupant crash protection; Final rule; Response to petitions for reconsideration (Federal Register)
Federal motor vehicle safety standards; Occupant crash protection; Final rule. (Federal Register)
Federal motor vehicle safety standards; Occupant crash protection; Final rule. (Federal Register)
Reports, forms and recordkeeping requirements; Agency information collection activity under OMB review
NHTSA advanced air bag web page
Amends Federal motor vehicle safety standards for occupant crash protectionBfinal rule (Federal Register)
Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards; Occupant Crash Protection; Final Rule. (Federal Register)
Federal motor vehicle safety standards for occupant crash protection--supplemental notice of proposed rulemaking (Federal Register)
Federal motor vehicle safety standards for occupant crash protection--notice of proposed rulemaking (Federal Register)
Sec. 7104.Restrictions on lobbying activities
Sec. 7105.Odometers
Sec. 7106.Miscellaneous amendments
Motor vehicle trunk entrapment (Report to Congress)
Motor vehicle content labeling - final rule (Federal Register)
Motor vehicle content labeling - notice of proposed rulemaking (Federal Register)
Sec. 7107.Importation of motor vehicle for show or display
Importation of vehicles and equipment subject to Federal safety, bumper, and theft prevention standards - final rule (Federal Register)
Importation of vehicles and equipment subject to Federal safety, bumper, and theft prevention standards - notice of proposed rulemaking.

Subtitle B--Railroads

Sec. 7201.High-speed rail
Fact sheet
Sec. 7202.Light density rail line pilot projects
Fact sheet
Sec. 7203.Railroad rehabilitation and improvement financing
Railroad rehabilitation and improvement financing program revisions- final rule (Federal Register)
Railroad rehabilitation and improvement financing program - proposed revisions - Notice of proposed rulemaking (Federal Register)
Railroad rehabilitation and improvement financing - listening session (Federal Register notice)
Railroad rehabilitation and improvement financing - solicitation of information (Federal Register notice)
Fact sheet
Sec. 7204.Alaska Railroad
Fact sheet

Subtitle C--Comprehensive One-Call Notification

Sec. 7301.Findings
Sec. 7302.One-call notification programs
Pipeline Safety: One-Call Systems Study - Notice of Public Meeting (Federal Register)
Implementation of one-call safety systems study (Federal Register notice)
One-call systems study web site
Pipeline Safety: One-Call Systems Study (Federal Register notice)
Fact sheet

Subtitle D--Sportfishing and Boating Safety

Sec. 7401.Short title; amendment of 1950 Act
Sec. 7402.Outreach and communications programs
Sec. 7403.Clean Vessel Act funding
Sec. 7404.Boating infrastructure
Sec. 7405.Boat safety funds
Recreational boating safety projects, programs and activities funded under provisions of the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century; Accounting of; Notice
Accounting of recreational boating safety projects and activities funded
Fact sheet on recreational boating safety
Fact sheet on trust funds and taxes

Title VIII--Transportation Discretionary Spending Guarantee And Budget Offsets

Q&A, #1

Subtitle A--Transportation Discretionary Spending Guarantee

Fact sheet
Sec. 8101.Discretionary spending categories
Sec. 8102.Conforming the Paygo Scorecard with this Act
Sec. 8103.Level of obligation limitations

Subtitle B--Veterans' Benefits

Sec. 8201.Short title
Sec. 8202.Treatment of tobacco-related illnesses of veterans (from PL. 105-206 replacing section titled Prohibition on establishment of service-connection for disabilities relating to use of tobacco products)
Sec. 8203.Twenty percent increase in rates of basic educational assistance under Montgomery GI Bill
Sec. 8204.Increase in assistance amount for specially adapted housing
Sec. 8205.Increase in amount of assistance for automobile and adaptive equipment for certain disabled veterans
Sec. 8206.Increase in aid and attendance rates for veterans eligible for pension
Sec. 8207.Eligibility of certain remarried surviving spouses for reinstatement of dependency and indemnity compensation upon termination of that remarriage
Sec. 8208.Extension of prior revision to offset rule for Department of Defense special separation benefit program
Sec. 8209.Sense of the Congress concerning recovery from tobacco companies of costs of treatment of veterans for tobacco-related illnesses

Subtitle C--Temporary Student Loan Provision.

Sec. 8301.Temporary student loan provision

Subtitle D--Block Grants for Social Services

Sec. 8401.Block grants for social services

Title IX--Amendments of Internal Revenue Code of 1986

Highway Trust Fund Primer (in PDF format)
Fact sheet on trust funds and taxes

Sec. 9001.Short title; amendment of 1986 Code
Sec. 9002.Extension of highway-related taxes and trust fund
Sec. 9003.Extension and modification of tax benefits for alcohol fuels
Sec. 9004.Modifications to Highway Trust Fund
Sec. 9005.Provisions relating to Aquatic Resources Trust Fund
Sec. 9006.Repeal of 1.25 cent tax rate on rail diesel fuel
Sec. 9007.Additional qualified expenses available to non-Amtrak States
Sec. 9008.Delay in effective date of new requirement for approved diesel or kerosene terminals
Sec. 9009.Simplified fuel tax refund procedures
Sec. 9010.Election to receive taxable cash compensation in lieu of nontaxable qualified transportation fringe benefits
Commuter Choice Tool Kit
Qualified transportation fringe benefits-notice of proposed rulemaking (Federal Register)
Dear colleague letter
Commuter Choice Program Voucher and Pass Program Directory
Glossary of Commuter Choice Terms
Sec. 9011.Repeal of National Recreational Trails Trust Fund
Sec. 9012.Identification of limited tax benefits subject to line item veto
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