The webinar explored different strategies for addressing performance challenges on priced managed lanes. Agencies that implement variable pricing as a means to reduce congestion on heavily traveled facilities are finding that despite initial performance improvements, travel speeds are slowing and throughput is dropping. The webinar presented three different case studies on how these transportation agencies manage congestion on their priced facilities. Annie Gillespie discussed Georgia's experience removing toll caps on I-85 in Atlanta; Robert Campbell provided a presentation about LA Metro's upcoming HOV-5 pilot on the I-10 Express Lanes; and Robert Kopelk explained the design and operational changes Washington State DOT is using to improve performance on Seattle's I-405 Express Lanes.
The FHWA Office of Operations hosted a webinar that highlights key lessons learned at the National Congestion Pricing Conference held at the U.S. Department of Transportation Headquarters in Washington, D.C. on May 22 and 23, 2018. Over the course of two days, participants attended 12 sessions, including peer discussions, an offsite tour, and poster presentations. The conference featured the latest developments in congestion pricing divided into two tracks - Managed Lanes and Urban Pricing - that included both tolling and non-tolling innovations.
Priced managed lanes continue to gain popularity in recent years as a way to address highway congestion in urban areas. One of the key challenges, however, remains enforcement. Significant time and funding has been invested in exploring innovative ways to monitor and enforce the use of managed lanes. In the past, transportation agencies have relied primarily on law enforcement officers. However, this method often puts the lives of officers at risk; it can be costly; and, identifying which vehicles are violators has been made more difficult due to the variety of exemptions a facility/operator may choose to extend to users.
Transportation agencies, private vendors, and manufacturers have recently collaborated to identify new technologies/strategies that can assist agencies in effectively enforcing managed lane policies. This webinar will feature some of the best practices based on lessons learned from some of the new enforcement technologies that are being tested and utilized.
The perception of negative equity impacts has often plagued congestion pricing projects. It is argued that pricing roadways limits the options available to low-income travelers, while simultaneously increasing the number of options available to high-income users. Significant research into income-equity impacts of congestion pricing projects, however, has shown that well-designed pricing schemes can help mitigate such impacts and ensure greater options for all travelers, regardless of their income category. This workshop will examine the tools and approaches developed and used by agencies to respond to environmental justice (EJ) concerns and federal requirements. We welcome input from your experience with EJ analysis.
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Offices of Operations and Center for Innovative Finance Support launched a webinar series, entitled "Overcoming the Challenges of Congestion Pricing." These webinars were developed for state and local agencies that are implementing or would like to implement congestion pricing; decision-makers/political leaders who want to better understand the benefits of congestion pricing; metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) that may be interested in incorporating pricing into their planning activities; and others who just want to learn more about congestion pricing strategies.
The nineteenth webinar.
The eighteenth webinar.
The seventeenth webinar.
The sixteenth webinar.
The fifteenth webinar.
The fourteenth webinar.
The thirteenth webinar.
The twelfth webinar.
The eleventh webinar.
The tenth webinar.
The ninth webinar.
The eighth webinar.
The seventh webinar.
The sixth webinar.
The fifth webinar.
The forth webinar.
The third webinar.
The second webinar.
The first webinar.
There is no cost to participate in these webinars and they are open to everyone interested. The webinars last 90 minutes, with the first hour used for presentations and the remaining 30 minutes for questions and answers.
Registration opens one month prior to each webinars and is required.
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